onsdag den 19. juni 2013

64 GB Micro SD Card .. $15 US

Now i have not received my memory cards yet, but usually the top purchased products on aliexpress is not fake. A single comment states that it is Class 6 and not 10. But even so. 15$ for 64 GB is still a pretty good deal for the most average use for a Micro SD card.

If you plan on using as memory for your Raspberry Pi. Don't. Class 10 makes a great difference in speed, and every bit of speed is needed for the little 600 MHz Raspi.

Update: The card is 64 GB.  However the R/W speed is Class 3, and the memory is poorly build. Using it for system or important files is NOT recommended.

Via Aliexpress

lørdag den 15. juni 2013

Onion Pi(e)

The Onion Pi is a WIFI access point that directs all your traffic through 3 layers of anonymizing Tor network.
follow the turotial here:


or skip some steps and buy a plug and play Onion Pi:
